


Stop. Such an abrupt thug to say. Do we ever stop? Do we ever take a moment to be still and think about how we stop and why we stop?

Imagine a world without stop signs, without stop lights, with out stopping. Would we keep going? Would we as a species learn to stop when there is something else come our way? Or do we continue until a crash and learn from consequence? Or will we learn before we make it that far?

From the start of the stop creating such order. Such direct orders.

If we direct ourselves to stop without a sign or light what are we stopping for? So look around and see what is surrounding all of us? When did we all begin to just stop and observe and even take note or draw what could be compelling to the eye, ear, nose, hand or mouth?

is it then a selfish task to stop and observe what we like and not want to stop for what others like? Or not stop for what we have to stop for?


In time, which never stops, we all learn what we like to stop for. We all learn what we have to stop fo. We all learn why others may stop too.

Love Life,




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